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Our Lady's Primary School, Tullysaran
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Confirmation (Latest Update)

21st Aug 2020

Please read the latest update regarding Confirmation on Sunday 30th August. Thankyou.

21 August 2020

Dear Principal,

Further to my letter on Monday in relation to the celebration of Confirmation next weekend, I would be grateful if you would convey the message to all those who are to be confirmed that no one will be allowed entry to St Patrick’s Cathedral for any of the Confirmation ceremonies except those who are being confirmed and their parents and one sponsor. Entry to the Cathedral will be strictly by the main doors only and stewards will be in place at the main doors for each of the Confirmation ceremonies. Those who are to be confirmed are asked to present themselves along with their parents and their sponsor and no one else will be allowed entry. Further to the statement from Archbishop Martin during the week, all who are attending must be wearing face coverings as they enter the Cathedral.

Stewards will direct everyone to their seats and due to the limited numbers that can attend, only Principals and Class teachers from schools are asked to join. There will be no banners or displays for any of the ceremonies this year. You may wish to remind families that they will be able to watch the Confirmation Liturgies on St Patrick’s Cathedral Webcam.

Again I ask that class teachers bring all Confirmation cards to the Cathedral on the day of the ceremony and then give them to the pupils as they enter the Cathedral. You may wish to inform families that a series of videos are now available titled “Come Holy Spirit – preparing for Confirmation” and they are available at

I hope that you and your staff are getting organised these days for the new school year and I wish you well for the year ahead.

Yours sincerely

               Rev Peter McAnenly Adm