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Our Lady's Primary School, Tullysaran
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Eco Schools Green Flag Award

11th Jul 2018

Green Flag for Our Lady’s Primary School.

Our Lady’s Primary School, Tullysaran received their first Green Flag on 23rd May 2017. The Eco-Council, supported by Mrs. Hegarty, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Gillespie and Mrs. Morton have worked hard over the last 3 years to build a sustainable environment within the school and the wider community. They are currently with Sustrans, an initiative to promote healthy lifestyles through Active travel. Most children within the school now walk, cycle or scoot to school at least 3 times per week. The combo journey encourages those children that live further away to avail of walking a short distance to school each morning. Alongside this the school is keen to promote the Daily Mile. Each class in the school can either walk, run or jog around the school each day. Teachers and children benefit from getting outside the classroom and find that it has increased attention and concentration during school lessons.

        Biodiversity has been a large scale project within the school. The School has benefitted from a sensory garden. The children were involved in weeding, raking, sowing, plating and keeping the area clean and tidy and free of rabbits.

        Our Lady’s Primary School has also been working on the Global Perspective topic for the Eco- Flag. There have been many events within the school to support Fairtrade Fortnight and the school achieved a Fair Aware award supported by CO-OP for their interest in sustainable farming. Providing farmers with a fair price for the products they grow and sell. Each year group is involved in work linked to a global learning topic. This has greatly impacted their critical thinking and knowledge of the world around them. The school are keen to continue to work with Sustrans and further develop their outdoor area.